Over the past
11 years AFN conferences have built a reputation for being innovative,
informative, inspiring, and enjoyable. One of the keys to the success
and reputation of these conferences is the quality program of facilitated
workshop sessions.
In these workshops, instead of 'talking heads' with content experts
delivering information to an audience, the emphasis is on attendees actively
participating to experience a method or approach for themselves.
So, each session is a process of engagement and facilitation.
Any participant is welcome to submit an expression
of interest to present a workshop.
The convenors will select workshops to be included in the program,
based on advice provided by presenters, while striving for a balance
in offerings for different levels of capability and experience.
Preference will be given to offers which meet one or more of
these criteria:
- overtly address the conference theme
of ‘pushing the boundaries’ and ‘facilitation frontiers’
- illustrate IAF competencies (attached
to the 'offer to facilitate' form)
- address multiple intelligences and
modes of learning
- offer ‘tasters’ of methods and techniques
for beginners/new chums.
year, we are encouraging you to push your own boundaries, so if you have
not previously presented a workshop session at an AFN Conference, now
is your chance! If you would like mentor support before undertaking
this, please email us and we will try to match you up with a veteran.
Presenters can choose any topic which illustrates facilitation
methodology and techniques.
The concurrent sessions are organised in multiples of
single blocks of 90 minutes, with a maximum 180 minutes in length (half-day
We are also seeking expressions of
interest from presenters for post-conference sessions, to be offered
on Saturday 29 November.
If you wish to offer a workshop which will require a longer time to
develop greater depth of experience and understanding, please email us
as early as possible to discuss options for the post-conference period.
Because of the concurrent programming, you may wish to present
a single (90 minute) workshop more than once in the program, to reach
a larger participant group.
All workshops are to be evaluated by participants, within the
allocated time for the session, so you will need to build at least 10
minutes for evaluation into your design.
We seek your support of the Conference Sustainability Policy (‘Lighten the Load’),
particularly in relation to:
- minimising paper use by making hand-outs
and session notes available electronically through a sign-up sheet or
collecting business cards for subsequent emailing; and
- using re-fillable dry markers, and
erasable boards, re-usable charts, overheads, data projectors and slides
instead of new paper flip charts, wherever appropriate.
participant wellbeing, we also ask that you incorporate some physical
activity into your design.
Please consider this invitation and follow these steps:
- as soon as possible send
us an email indicating your intention
to make an offer
- as soon as possible fill
in the attached
form (Word doc) and email to us
not later than 16 May 2008
attached form includes the information on this page, to facilitate its
Your assistance with circulating this information and form to
your own networks would be appreciated.
Presenters should be advised of the outcome of their Expression
of Interest by 13 June 08